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Maintain Calm within Your Circle of Control
Circle of Control
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Maintain Calm within Your Circle of Control 

The current situation with Ukraine really made us all disturbed…

Things like this haven’t happened since 1939 and it’s scary…

It’s scary to see the same things that happened 83 years ago happening again…

And no doubt why many people are scared and anxious about their future.

But, if you’re one of those, please calm down because you CAN’T control the current events in the world.

Let me explain…

In my life, I learned a very powerful concept called the Circle of Control that changed my life.

It’s a concept where you list down the things you CAN CONTROL, CAN INFLUENCE, and CAN’T CONTROL.

For example, you can’t control the current events that are happening, you can’t control the weather, you can’t control the pandemic that’s still happening today.

No matter how hard you try, you just CAN’T control that.

But what you can do is Influence and improve or change what you can’t control.

For example, what you can do to help Ukraine in this situation is donate, pray, and share the correct and true info.

You can influence that, but you can’t control that.

What you can control are your actions, thoughts, response, attitude, and emotions.

And here’s an image to explain the concept better…

Circle of Control

As you can see from the Circle of Control, in the Orange circle are the things we CAN’T control just like the current events in Ukraine.

The Yellow circle are the things we can INFLUENCE.

And the Blue circle are the things we CAN control.

So, if you focus on the things you can’t control, you’re going to drain your energy completely.

Even though you want to change the current events in the world so much, you have to accept that you can’t.

You can only influence them and control what you can control like your actions, thoughts, and dial down your emotions.

And once you accept the truth that you CAN’T control everything, you’re going to live a more peaceful life.


Courtesy: Leon (Lifehack)

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